Senior Teacher of Physics
- Holds B.Edu and Diploma in Education Secondary Physics/Chemistry, Kyambogo University.
- Posted to Teso College Aloet in 2008 to date
– Taught Kamod. S.S. FROM 1990 – 2007
– Senior Teacher of Physics

Head of Department Physics
Mr. Okello Sam
Qualifications: Holds BSc Education, Kyambogo University Posted to Teso College Aloet on 15th January, 2009 Senior Old...

Teacher of Physics/Mathematics
Mr. Ejopu Enoch
Qualifications: An old boy of the school Joined Teso College Aloet as a teacher of Physics/Mathematics on Board of Gove...

Mathematics/Physics Department
Mr. Emong Emmanuel
Qualifications: BSc Education – Busitema University, 2012 Joined Teso College Aloet in 2012 to date – Mathematic...

Teacher of Physics/Mathematics
Mr. Kipruto Moses
Qualifications: Holds BSc. Education Graduated from Makerere University Joined Teso College Aloet in July 2012 to da...

Teacher of Chemistry and Physics
Mr. Omule Oupa Lawrence
Qualifications: BSc/Dip. Education Makerere University Transferred to Teso College Aloet in 2008 – Head of Depart...

Graduate teacher of chemistry and physics
Mr. Echoku Samuel
Qualifications: Graduate teacher of chemistry and physics BED K.Y.U Diploma Educ Posted to Teso College Aloet in 2007,...

Teacher of Mathematics and Physics
Mr. Apedu Joseph
Qualifications: Posted to Teso College Aloet in 2007 Holds a Bachelor of Science with Education (Hons) A master of Sci...

Teacher of Physics/Mathematics
Mr. Ojangole George. F.
Qualifications: MSc(Physics), PGDE, BSc all from Makerere University Joined Teso College Aloet as a teacher in 2002 A...